Waverly-Shell Rock High School Personalized PD
Planting the Seed
Planting the Seeds of Learning
"Every child's taste is different. Don't worry if they're not reading 'War and Peace' at age 12. First, build a good foundation and a positive attitude about reading by letting them pick the stories they enjoy. Make friends with a bookseller or librarian. They are a wealth of information on finding books that kids enjoy." -- Rick Riordan

"Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves."
--- Ernest Dimnet
Group Book Study Choices
Carol Dweck
Reflection Questions:
Mindset Readings and Reflection Questions
Week 1:
Chapter 1: Why Do People Differ?
Week 2:
​ Chapter 2: Is Success About Learning, Or Proving You're Smart?
Week 3:
Chapter 3: Mindset and School Success
Week 4:
Chapter 4: The Idea of the Natural
Week 5:
Chapter 7: Messages About Success and Failure
Week 6:
Chapter 8: Taking the First Step
Research Behind Mindset:
News Article Link
The Growth Mindset Tool Kit
​Online Resource for Ideas
Mike Anderson
Books to Deepen Your Learning
Angela Duckworth
Anders Erickson
Jon Gordon Books on Positive Thinking
Donalyn Miller
Tony Wagner
Reading Schedule:
Reading Reflection Questions and Ideas:
Week 1:
Chapters 1 - 3
Week 2:
​ Chapters 4 - 5
Week 3:
Chapters 6 - 7
Week 4:
Chapters 8 - 9
Week 5:
Chapters 10 - 11
Week 6:
Chapters 12 - 13