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Common Questions:
Planting the Seed


These questions are here to help you understand what learning choices you have for this year.  Your job is to dig deep, plant the seed, learn and grow, and make changes in your practice by researching further how your learning may be used to help students reach their learning goals.


Q: How long will it take me to complete this?

A: This is a year long process.  The beginning of the year will focus on a book study in a large group setting, while the middle to end of the year will be focused on choice and application of the new learning into the classroom.  


Q: Where will we meet during Wednesday early dismissals?

A: Each Wednesday staff will meet in the high school media center for either large group or small group work time.


Q: Can I work by myself or do I have to collaborate?

A: Teachers are expected to work collaboratively with at least one other staff member and with no more that four teachers in a group.  Finding others who are interested in the same topic as you is important.  You might even be able to develop cross curricular projects throughout this process for learning.


Q: When is the expected final showcase for my learning?

A: This process will be completed at the end of the year with a public share out of your learning in some form or another.  The expectation will be that you will share your learning with stakeholders in the community, beyond the walls of WSR schools.


Q: Is there a time limit for how long the share out has to be?

A:  You need to make your share out the necessary length for the audience to gain an understanding of your topic and how you implemented your findings.  Your share out will also include how your implementation and findings effected your instruction.


Q: Can I have more than one project going at the same time?

A: Yes. You may be Planting the Seed with several projects, in Growing the Tree with one, and Enjoying the Shade with another, etc. You make those decisions. The goal is for you to progress as a professional.


Q: How do I decide what to do?

A: Think about what you would like to improve in your classroom. It may be easiest to identify a problem first and build from that. That is what makes this personalized PD. You should work on something that interests YOU! The Instructional Coaches are here to support and

guide you.


Q: Why are we moving to Personalized Professional Development Training?

A: The feedback from the Needs Assessment survey showed that teachers are wanting to move beyond the basic professional development practices.  There is also a plethora of current research on teacher engagement related to having choices in his/her learning.  This will help teachers provide differentiated instruction in their classes.


Q: What are the professional learning expectations for staff members?

A: Just as we expect students to improve their skills, teachers must also move through the reflective process to improve instruction.  Teachers are expected to meet the goals found in their professional growth plan.


Q: How will I have time to do all this?

A: Three Wednesdays per month will be devoted to working on Personalized PD, either in a large or small group setting.  However, additional time will be needed to become effective in implementing new learning.  The fourth Wednesday each month will be devoted to PLC work.


Q: What help is available?

A:  Support is available from the Instructional Coaches.  A request for their help can be submitted through an email.


Q: Can I change topics once I begin researching and decide that this project/topic isn’t what I thought it was going to be?

A: You may change topics if you decide that the original topic doesn’t fit your needs and won’t benefit your students learning.


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